Donald McColl Solid Beat 3 Cameron Square Inverness IV3 6AP 0463-221895 0667-54076 BASS DRUM C1 RIM SHOT C#1 SNARE E1 XHIHAT G#1 0HIHAT A#1 CYMBALS E2 Greetings All the drum patterns on this disk are GM compatable. There's 50 of them in total all 4 bars long. To make it easier to access them I saved them all as one .MID file. Once you have loaded them into your sequencer save the individual patterns as blocks or parts. Remember to give the patterns different file names and I dont mean Drum1, Drum2 etc. This collection contains no dynamics (velocities) all parts of the kit are set about 64. The new collection Solid Beat 2 available from me for œ5 and a blank disk contains over six hundred bars of dynamic grooves covering the whole of the GM drum range. Solid Beat also have 'TWIN PEAKS' an 8 track recording studio in the highlands with Cubase, Seq 1+ and a whole range of midi gear. Accommodation is available with full board. Anyone buying Solid Beat 2 will be entitled to 20% off the recording and board plus being generous souls we will throw in 'Sound Tools' editing for free. Another service we offer is a remix service thru the post. Send us your song as a .MID file we will do 2 or more different arrangements (any style). Drums, bass, piano, brass, string section etc. Your songs will shine more, if you let us do the polishing. Confidentiality assured. Returned to you in a plain envelope with in seven days. Telephone for details first. Cheers Donald